A complete guide to Cairns Restaurants

Osprey Restaurant

Diners who've been lucky enough to experience Osprey Restaurant at Thala Beach Resort report it as being one of the best meals of their life. The head chef leads a very imaginative kitchen using the best of Australia's gourmet produce. The intimate atmosphere is complimented by the remarkable vista of Coral Sea islands, reefs and mountain ranges. The prolific bird life surrounding the resort can be seen and heard in the treetops from the restaurant. Certainly one of the best fine dining restaurants of Far North Queensland.




Visa, Al fresco, EFTPOS, A la carte, Licensed, Mastercard, JCB, Amex, Diners Club, Hotel

Price Guide



Service times for lunch is 12noon - 2:30pm service time for dinner is 6pm - 11pm


Port Douglas


(07) 4098 5700
Private Road, Oak Beach (Thala Beach Lodge)

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