A complete guide to Cairns Restaurants

Chung Tai Chinese Restaurant & Takeaway




Take Away

Price Guide





Port Douglas


(07) 40981102
Johnston Road, Mt Demi Plaza Cnr Front Street, Mossman

What people are saying...

Julie Brown
4 Jan 2009

The food at Chung Tai is so yummy, I go and eat there three times a week. The Spring rolls are scrumptious. The best food in town. I will recommend everyone to eat at Chung Tai.

Zach Honey
17 Nov 2007

This is the best Chinese i have ever tasted, even my mum and dad agree

jascha gusmeroli
21 Jan 2006

i simply love it, i love it so much i eat it almost every day or at least 2 times a week, especially on the weekends. i work at woolworths and its so convenient to walk there at lunch time and get a feed. the food is so good that i look foward to it because i love it so much. yay

thomas vinter
10 Jan 2006

Chung tai rules my world.... People that have not eaten chung tai need to. Every local in Mossman, when asked will quote Chung tai as being the best there is! My personal favourite is the special shandy that offers a mixture of all the good stuff. The food they offer is outstanding, in fact it is so good i might just go into town and get me some right now!

jan weidner
3 Jan 2006

whoa i love this place, best food in mossman!!! best chinese food in all of FNQ and friendly staff! if ur in town on holiday just save urself the time searching for a place to eat and just come here. 5 star place just ask the locals.

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